Eric Hittinger holds a Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University, and a MS in Macromolecular Science and BS in Polymer Science and Engineering from Case Western Reserve University.

Professor Hittinger has a background in electricity system policy, operation, and economics, with a focus on understanding the benefits and limitations of energy storage and renewable electricity sources. His research often uses techno-economic modeling of electricity systems to understand the effects of system policies and interactions.

Dr. Hittinger is addressing longstanding challenges in both the economic and environmental feasibility of electricity production in the United States. With funding from the National Science Foundation, he and other RIT researchers are providing new avenues for policymakers to develop policies to promote the advancement of low-carbon energy technologies.

Dr. Hittinger is working to help policymakers deal with the uncertainty of political and economic change by altering the models currently used to understand the evolution of the electricity system. While most extant models employ fixed inputs to account for variables, such as the price of natural gas, Dr. Hittinger’s model utilizes a range possible inputs. By accounting for economic, political, and technological changes, Dr. Hittinger is creating a better approach for making decisions about how to support renewable energy development.